
Version 1.1.4

Release date: 11 July 2018

New features:

  • Support for PDF on Linux
  • Support for Ubuntu 18.04
  • Support for openSUSE Leap 15
  • Tax ID: br (Brazil CNPJ), bg (Bulgaria EIK), au (Australia TFN), es (Spain)
  • ID Card: ae (United Arab Emirates), il (Israel), in (India Aadhaar), fr (France CNI)
  • SSN: gr (Greece), ru (Russia), ie (Irish Personal Public Service Number)
  • Driver’s License: gb (The United Kingdom of Great Britain), de (Germany)
  • Passport: de (Germany)
  • Credit Card: Carte Blanche


  • Preserve original case (upper/lower) when reporting matched dictionary words
  • Improved sensitive information detection in file names
  • Decrease false positive detections by discarding certain ‘threats’ that are not immediately followed by a delimiter
  • Remove credit card detection false positives in XLSX charts and drawings
  • GCC/Clang visibility
  • Updated CppDevTk to 1.1.0
  • Updated CentOS 7 to 7.5

Fixed bugs:

  • Sweden ID detection
  • Extracting PDF text even if the metadata is in an unsupported format
  • Crash due to corrupt properties table in OLE / CDF documents (.doc, .xls)
  • Crash in 32 bit versions when parsing certain .doc metadata

Version 1.1.3

Release date: 06 Feb 2018

New features:

  • Text extractor: extract metadata separately from data for supported file types and provide settings to control what is extracted (data or metadata). Supported file types are: compound document format based files (doc, xls, ppt), PDF, office open XML files (.docx, .xlsx, .pptx) and ZIP archives;
  • Text extractor: ZIP comments;
  • Text extractor & Scanner: provide detection location information (surrounding text - 24 bytes UTF8)
  • Text extractor: improved text extraction from .doc, .xls, .ppt and .rtf documents
  • Extended Credit Cards formats with 2018 patterns: Mastercard, Visa, American Express, JCB, Diners, Discover, MIR, Maestro, China UnionPay
  • Scanner: New PIIs: Portugal ID, Iceland ID, Italy VAT, Greece VAT, Finland VAT, Hungary SSN, Netherlands SSN, Luxembourg SSN, Cyprus SSN, Luxembourg VAT, Ireland VAT, Slovenia VAT, Ireland passport, Norway ID, Albania ID, Bulgaria ID, Italy ID, Latvia ID, Estonia ID, Croatia ID, Yugoslavia ID, Lithuania ID

Version 1.1.2

Release date: 17 Oct 2017

New features:

  • VAT Number feature


  • sds new feature: VAT
  • sds new threats: sdsthtidIdTh, sdsthtidIdDk, sdsthtidIdCl, sdsthtidPassportFr, sdsthtidPassportFi, sdsthtidDrivingLicenseIt, sdsthtidPhoneDe, sdsthtidAreaCodesDe, sdsthtidVatDe
  • use TLS 1.2 on Mac OS X if supported
  • SDS settings & large dictionary load time improvement
  • cli: enabled std thread library usage
  • CppDevTk updated to 1.0.3
  • Qt updates: Windows & Mac to 5.6.3, iOS to 5.9.2, Android fixed to 5.6.1-1 due to QTBUG-63407
  • iOS mininimum supported version increased from 6.0 to 8.0
  • Android: crypto++ and curl shared libs
  • per server side request: settings GET
  • android: https workarounds

Fixed bugs:

  • VC++ C# CLI bug
  • ScanBuffer() now works for UTF8, UTF16 and Unicode

Version 1.1.1

Release date: 14 Aug 2017

New features:

  • disabled Java based text extractor and restored C++ related


  • updated SSN US
  • better text extractor for older Office formats

Version 1.1.0

Release date: 7 Aug 2017

New features:

  • sdc (sensitive data classification) public release
  • new internal text extractor; default for mobile platforms, all modules
  • new third party Java based text extractor; default for desktop platforms, all modules
  • removed proprietary pdf text extraction library
  • internal: added console test app for text extractors


  • packaging cleanup
  • sdc: improved cancellation
  • sdc error reporting: added NoKnownDataException (SENSITIVITYIO_ENOKNOWNDATA in C)
  • sdc: simplified train and verify apps; removed older multipart ones
  • test apps: for convenience use default sample files/dirs
  • JNI review
  • enabled JNI on Win32

Fixed bugs:

  • fixed regression: Scanner::ScanBuffer() cancelation

Version 1.0.1

Release date: 3 Jul 2017

New features:

  • PHP 7 support
  • Debian based packaging


  • error reporting: ported UnsupportedMimeTypeException in bindings (SENSITIVITYIO_EUNSUPPORTEDMIMETYPE in C)
  • error reporting: added NetworkException and HttpException; ported in bindings (ENETUNREACH and EPROTO in C)
  • documentation review
  • php extensions: ini file

Fixed bugs:

  • fixed PHP pass parameters by value for PHP >= 5.6

Version 1.0.0

Release date: 22 May 2017

New features:


Fixed bugs: